First Time Visitors
​“No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!”
Three important things to know as you consider visiting:
You will experience a balance between “friendly welcome” and “comfortable space.” We have all been in new environments where we were either overwhelmed or ignored. We work hard to be sensitive to everyone who chooses to try something new!
You will experience traditional aspects of a Protestant church along with relevant content and format for our lives today. Choir, hymns, litany, Scripture, sermons and Communion are a regular part of our Sunday morning service. We use all those aspects to create an experience that focuses on the important parts of our lives in our world today, and we add new music, unique sermon styles, and post sermon discussion to make the most of our time together.
You will experience a community of regular folks who take God’s unconditional and inclusive love seriously. We are learning how to love in the same way. We welcome your input as we make this journey in life together!
Three practical things to know on the Sunday you visit:
There are many entry points into our building. The best door to enter is the covered entrance that faces the bank. Because of the historic design of our church, the

traditional main doors are open, just out of the way from the parking lots. Any unlocked door will get you to the narthex/lobby and there will be plenty of helpful folk to guide you.
There are plenty of things to do for children, if they attend with you. As you go into the narthex/lobby there will be people waiting to answer any questions you have. All children begin sitting with their adults in the sanctuary. They are welcome to stay with you throughout the service or join the rest of the children for Church School after the children’s sermon. You are welcome to walk with your child to Church School. Your sense of safety and care for your child is important.​​
Your kids matter to us! For more information click here
The service begins at 10am and ends at 11am. The tone is relaxed in dress and in participation. On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate Communion. Everyone is welcome to participate as one who is loved by God. There is a coffee hour downstairs in the fellowship hall. The fellowship hall is also where children who participated in Church School will be waiting for their adults.
Any questions? Send an email to Rev. Melanie at or Tobey, Program and Outreach Coordinator at
Thank you for taking the time to consider a visit. We cannot wait to meet you.​​​
​Following worship, each Sunday all are welcome to join us downstairs in Fellowship Hall for a time of coffee, snacks and conversation.