Open & Affirming
We believe that all people are created in God's image and that God loves and blesses us all equally. We believe that we are called to love our brothers and sisters as God loves us, freely and without reservation.
Because we seek to walk in the way of Jesus, inspired to live with compassion and honesty, we at the Church of Christ, Congregational in
Newington declare ourselves to be open, affirming,
and reconciling.
With God’s grace, we strive to recognize the uniqueness of every individual as God’s beloved child, to respond faithfully to God’s call for justice for all humankind, and to follow Jesus’ model of loving acceptance and forgiveness. With God’s blessing, we seek to create a sanctuary where all - especially those who have known the pain of exclusion - will know they are welcomed and included.
We welcome all persons into our community, regardless of age, nationality, race, ethnicity, citizenship, marital and family status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, mental and physical ability, education, faith background, doubts, troubles, or economic circumstance. We invite all to share fully in the life, worship, leadership, ministry, rites, blessings, and joys of our church family.
In this church, we recognize that we are all travelers on the same road, that we are here to help each other walk the mile and bear the load. As we travel this road together, we will believe in you and encourage you to believe in your own abilities and share your own unique gifts. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s road, you will always be welcome here. There is always room for one more at our table.