2024 Stewardship Campaign
We love abundantly.
We serve abundantly.
We give abundantly.
By now you have heard about our 2025 Stewardship Campaign and our renewed efforts to “love on purpose.” To love on purpose is to understand that our actions-whether through service, generosity, or kindness hold the power to change both the lives we touch and our own hearts.
When we give with intention and love, rather than out of obligation, we actively build the community we envision—a place where our ministry reaches beyond our walls, touching lives, and where everyone feels the warmth of belonging. In this way, we help create a world that reflects the values of faith, love, and service that guide us.
On Sunday, October 27th, we will come together to make our statements and commitments for the future. Our pledge is more than a financial contribution; it is an opportunity to truly consider how we can “love on purpose” and share in the vision of a church community that nurtures spiritual growth and serves as a home for all—within our church and throughout the broader community.
As you reflect on the ways you can embody this purposeful love, please consider giving to this year’s Stewardship Campaign. Your generosity, combined with that of others, will help create lasting change, not only within our church but in the larger world.
Together, we love generously, serve generously, and give generously—knowing that through these acts, we create a future full of hope, connection, and transformation.
In Christian love,
The Board of Christian Stewardship