We believe that all people are created in God’s image and that God loves and blesses us all equally. We believe that we are called to love our brothers and sisters as God loves us, freely and without reservation. Because we seek to walk in the way of Jesus, inspired to live with compassion and honesty, we at the Newington Church of Christ Congregational declare ourselves to be open, affirming, and reconciling.
With God’s grace, we strive to recognize the uniqueness of every individual as God’s beloved child, to respond faithfully to God’s call for justice for all humankind and to follow Jesus’ model of loving acceptance and forgiveness. With God’s blessing, we seek to create a sanctuary where all – especially those who have known the pain of exclusion – will know they are welcomed and included.
We welcome all persons into our community, regardless of age, nationality, race, ethnicity, citizenship, marital and family status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, mental and physical ability,
education, faith background, doubts, troubles, or economic circumstance. We invite all to share fully in the life, worship, leadership, ministry, rites, blessings and joys of our church family. In this church, we recognize that that we are all travelers on the same road, that we are here to help each other walk the mile and bear the load. As we travel this road together, we will believe in you and encourage you to believe in your own abilities and share your own unique gifts. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s road, you will always be welcome here.
There is always room for one more at our table.
Who We Are
On Sunday, September 17th 2017 members of the church gathered together to celebrate our congregation’s becoming an Open and Affirming Church.
What does that mean? Click here to read our Open and Affirming Statement.
No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, all our welcome at the United Church of Christ, Newington.
We Are Open and Affirming
“There is always room for one more at our table”
United in Spirit and inspired by God’s grace, we grow in faith and service. We do this by:
Deepening our faith through Gods word and prayer
Fostering connections to strengthen a diverse community
Gathering together as the body of Christ to worship God
Being the hands and heart of God to serve the world near and far.
We are an open and affirming congregation
Our affirmations and beliefs evolved from the Church community’s desire to more fully express its core beliefs.
​We acknowledge that we are all on a spiritual journey, so we are moved to accept a diversity of belief and doubt. ​
We accept as full members, with complete access to the rites of the church, and to service within the church, people of good will and faith, regardless of race, color, ethnic origin, physical ability, sexual orientation and status in society. In employment we also provide an equal opportunity.
We affirm the Bible as our primary source of inspiration and understanding of God, but we do not necessarily adhere to a literal interpretation of Scripture.
We affirm our belief in Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God, made known through the Holy Spirit.
We affirm the right and obligation of the church to raise concerns about issues facing society, to critique the institutions of society which foster injustice, violence, racism, sexism and ageism and to act in response to these concerns.
We care for God’s Creation by adopting and advocating environmental stewardship that will preserve and restore Creation for our descendants and for all living things Earth.
We affirm the pastor’s freedom of the pulpit to proclaim the Word of God as it challenges the congregation to serve God.
We affirm the priesthood of all believers, and hold that each member has rights, privileges and obligations in the governance of the church and in the furtherance of its mission.​